Fruitfull collaboration between FIFA and CIES

Challenge League Study now available

FIFA Master: second testimonial

WISE - "Work In Sports Exhibition"

Greetings from CIES



FIFA Master 15th edition - Opening of the online application

BIG-5 Weekly post N°56

Success for a NMMU gratuate in Nigeria

Why not recruit one of our FIFA Master postgraduates?



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CIES Highlights No 11, November 2013



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FIFA and CIES continue their fruitful collaboration

In the presence of Joseph S. Blatter, FIFA President, Jérôme Valcke, FIFA General Secretary, Bertrand Reeb, CIES President, Denis Oswald, CIES Director, Vincent Schatzmann, CIES General Secretary, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) have signed  a new agreement in order to extend their successful collaboration until 2018.

Please click here to read the full news


Challenge League Study - Second Study of the Swiss Football League (SFL)

The Challenge League Study 2013


One year after the first study of the Raiffeisen Super League (RSL), the Swiss Football League (SFL) presents a second study of Swiss football. The Challenge League Study, which has been led by the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) Football Observatory confirms the importance of professional football in this league. Indeed, half of the players who play in the RSL have participated many times in the Challenge League.

Please click here to read the full news


FIFA Master: second testimonial

The FIFA Master 14th edition at Manchester City FC


It seems hard to believe that we are already in our last few weeks in Leicester, and nearly one third of the way through the FIFA Master. Since Dan’s update on the first six weeks, the cracking pace of the course has not slowed.

Please click here to read the full news


Press Release: WISE - "Work In Sports Exhibition"

WISE - "Work In Sport Exhibition", first ever International Convention for Career Management in Sports, 7 - 8 May 2014


Lausanne, Switzerland, November 18th 2013 – A press conference took place this morning at the Maison du Sport International (MSI), where the concept “WISE – Work In Sport Exhibition” was presented. WISE is the first ever international convention for career management in sports and will take place at Beaulieu Lausanne in Switzerland on May 7th and 8th 2014.

Please click here to read the full news


The CIES wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
