CIES Football Observatory: Demographic Study 2014 now available

FIFA Master 15th edition: Record number of applications received

David Trezeguet visits CIES

FIFA/CIES International University Network: Ten projects in competition

Portrait of Prof. Denis Oswald, CIES Director



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CIES Football Observatory: Demographic Study 2014 now available!

Demographic Study 2014


The CIES Football Observatory is happy to disclose the 6th edition of its annual Demographic Study on 31 top division leagues of UEFA member associations, 472 clubs and 11,653 players. The 96-page publication is divided in five chapters: club records, league comparison, league profile, international migration and youth talents. A free excerpt is available on the CIES Football Observatory website.

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FIFA Master 15th edition - Record number of applications received!

The CIES is proud to be able to announce that a record number of applications have been received for the next edition of the FIFA Master programme, with a 15% increase in applications compared to last year.

The application process for the 15th Edition (2014-2015) of the FIFA Master is now closed. Submitted applications will now be carefully reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The full selection process will take between 3-4 months.

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David Trezeguet visits CIES

David Trezeguet, FIFA World Cup 1998 and UEFA EURO 2000 champion


After having received a tribute from his former club Juventus on Sunday 5 January, David Trezeguet made good use of his trip to Europe with a courtesy visit to the CIES headquarters in Neuchâtel (Switzerland).

The International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) was delighted to welcome David Trezeguet, World and European Football Champion as well as star striker at “Juve” for over a decade. After visiting the headquarters of the institution, David exchanged views with CIES officers on issues important to him, such as the development of football and education in sport.

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Fourth edition of the network prize: ten projects will compete!

The four winners of the Network Award 2013


CIES has received ten projects for the fourth edition of the FIFA/CIES International University Network Prize (two more than in 2012). An international jury will select the winning project on 20 January 2014.

Created in 2011 on the initiative of the Universidad Católica Argentina, the FIFA/CIES International University Network Prize aims to reward innovative and original work in the understanding of phenomena related to sports on a continental, national, regional and local level. The award consists of a trip to Switzerland to visit the headquarters of FIFA and CIES, and for the winning students to present their work to the FIFA Master class.

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Interview of Prof. Denis Oswald, CIES Director

Prof. Denis Oswald, CIES Director


Can you first tell us about yourself and your career path?

I was born in Neuchâtel, 66 years ago. I am married to Dominique who is a former member of the Swiss national tennis team and, like me, she is a lawyer. I have a son who is 27 years old and currently finishing his master in law and a brother who is two years older than me.

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