FIFA Master: Milan highlights

Work in Sports Exhibition: forum programme

Press review of the Demographic Study 2014

Portrait of Marie-Claude Borel, CIES Librarian responsible for the documentation centre



Portrait of Prof. Karolina Tetlak, Joao Havelange research scholarship award winner

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Big-5 Weeakly Post N°63

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CIES Highlights No 13, January 2014



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FIFA Master: Milan highlights

The FIFA Master 14th edition at Milan AC


After a great Humanities of Sport module in Leicester and a fantastic New Year's Eve, which many students celebrated together, the FIFA Master class arrived in Milan (Italy) with great enthusiasm for the start of the Sports Management module at SDA Bocconi.

In the last month, we have focused on Sport Leadership, Organization and Sport Finance. The philosophy of this module is focused on us, the students, in order to achieve our maximum potential by exploiting every single moment of our studies, both in the classroom with our professors and with guest speakers and field visits.

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WISE: the International Convention for Careers in Sports

WISE – Work In Sports Exhibition, May 7-8, Lausanne, Expo Beaulieu


WISE, the first ever International Convention for Careers in Sports releases its attractive Forum programme.

Lausanne, Switzerland, February 12, 2014 – The Forum programme of “WISE – Work In Sports Exhibition” is well underway and we are pleased to release the preliminary list of topics. Split over two days (May 7 and 8), attractive panels around “Continuing Education”, “Human Resources”, “Excellence in Reconversion”, “Governance in Sports” and “Communication” in sports among others will be presented.

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Demographic Study 2014 : press review

Demographic Study 2014


The launch of the 2014 edition of the CIES Football Observatory Demographic Study has received widespread coverage in the media.

The 96-page publication is divided in five chapters: club records, league comparison, league profile, international migration and youth talents. A free excerpt is available on the CIES Football Observatory website.

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Interview of Marie-Claude Borel, CIES Librarian responsible for the documentation centre

Marie-Claude Borel, CIES Librarian responsible for the documentation centre


Can you first tell us about yourself and your career path?

When I was 10 years old, I joined two associations with my friends in the neighbourhood of Neuchâtel: a library and a sports club. These activities gave us the opportunity to meet after school and to build friendships which have lasted until this very day. I studied at the University of Neuchâtel, where I obtained my theology degree, then at the Haute Ecole de Genève for a diploma in documentary information.

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