CIES involved in major sport integrity project

CIES Observatory continues to expand his research activities

Symposium : the other face of supporterism

CIES International University Network : First results of Buenos Aires Seminar

Places of interaction: the stadium attendance and social integration

Numerous activities for the FIFA Master Class

Interview of Bertrand Reeb, CIES President



Farewell lecture of Professor Denis Oswald

Discover our FIFA Master Class 2012/2013



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CIES Highlights No 1, September 2012



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CIES involved in major sport integrity project

Pierre Cornu, CIES Senior Legal Counsel


The Sorbonne University, Paris 1, and the International Centre for Sport Integrity (ICSS), in cooperation with UNESCO, have launched a major sport integrity project at a Symposium for experts held in Paris on 11-13 September 2012.

After opening addresses by the Qatar Olympic Committee Secretary General, UNESCO and European Commission Assistant Director Generals, the IOC Director General and the ICSS President, the well-known Italian football player Alessandro del Piero gave an inspiring speech, under the motto “Save the Dream”, to encourage all stakeholders to join in the fight against the integrity threats to sport.

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CIES Football Observatory

International Football Arena, Zurich, November 2012


The CIES Football Observatory continues to expand its research activities by making presentations at prestigious universities and during important events in the football world. This involves mainly focus on new market trends on the subject of transfer and demography of professional football players.

For example, the CIES recently presented the "Latest market trends regarding player's migration between West and East" at the International Football Arena in Zurich on the 12th and 13th of November ( ).

The issue of "International migration of football player" was also dealt with at the University of Warsaw on the 29th and 30th of November and an upcoming presentation will be given at the Wyscout Forum in London on the 13th and 14th of December on "Where to find the next generation of top level football players?" (


Symposium : the other face of supporterism : self-regulation, collective mobilization and social movements

FC Zurich supporters


Today, there are countless publications devoted to supporters. However, if the question was mainly addressed in terms of disturbance and violence, studies on the modes of organization and functionality of groups that drive stadiums are still sparse.

To remedy this, a CIES meeting was held on 14th September 2012 in Neuchâtel with a panel of researchers to exchange knowledge on the subject. The meeting allowed a dozen stakeholders to present the results of their research which had already been completed or was currently in progress and had been conducted in Argentina, Belgium, Croatia, Egypt, France, Romania and Switzerland. In particular, the comparative perspective and broadening of the discussion to countries in Eastern Europe and other continents contributed to the rich debates, but also stimulated thinking about explanatory models.

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CIES International University Network : First results of Buenos Aires Seminar

CIES International University Network representatives


In April this year, more than 60 representatives of the FIFA/CIES partner universities, including Directors, FIFA/CIES Programme Coordinators and CIES academic coordinators met in Buenos Aires to take stock of the activities of the FIFA/CIES International Academic Network and together define its objectives for the coming years.

Six months later, Network members have the first fruits of the seminar. From an academic perspective, CIES has intensified exchanges between universities, which was one of the important objectives defined during discussions in Argentina.

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Places of interaction: the stadium attendance and social integration

Dr. Roger Besson, Geographer and Member of the CIES research team


Member of the CIES research team, Roger Besson made a public defence of his thesis in October for a doctorate in social sciences from the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and Franche-Comté (France). His work focuses on the modernization of stadiums and on recent developments of the public who attend football matches.

The construction of new infrastructures raises important economic questions in the world of sport. There are clubs, for example, who promote their image among sponsors and develop more profitable services (dressing rooms, VIP rooms, etc.). In addition, more comfortable and safer modern stadiums offer undoubtedly many advantages to the viewer. Described as more friendly places, they stimulate an integrative role between supporters and football players.

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Numerous activities for the FIFA Master Class

FIFA Master Class 2012/2013


Organised by the Centre International d’Etude du Sport (CIES) and endorsed by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the FIFA Master has over a decade of experience in educating and promoting the international sports business managers of the future.

The highly intensive programme is including field visits to some of the biggest names in world sport and a wide range of specially selected industry experts. The new 2012-2013 class is based in England at De Montfort University’s International Centre for Sports History and Culture until Christmas as they complete the Humanities of Sport module.

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Portrait of Bertrand Reeb, CIES President

Bertrand Reeb, CIES President


Can you first tell us about yourself and your career path?

I’m 68, I’m married and I have one son, Matthieu, who is currently CAS Secretary General. I studied law in Switzerland and then abroad. I first worked as a lawyer for 10 years before being appointed Judge by the Tribunal Federal Suisse in Lausanne. However, from this year, I will be retiring from the Tribunal and will not have any further public responsibilities. Currently, I hold various positions, such as  President of the Court of Arbitration of the Swiss Watchmaking Industry and of course, President of CIES!

What links do you have with the sport world?

I have rowed since I was a teenager and I’m still practicing on the lake of Neuchâtel.  My father introduced me to football during the World Cup in 1954 and since then, I’m a fan. Of course, I support Neuchâtel Xamax!

Who is your favorite sportsman and why?

It is difficult to make a choice between champions like Jean-Claude Killy, Alfredo Di Stefano and Wilma Rudolf. Today, Messi and Barcelona are major actors. But If I had to choose only one, I would think of Roger Federer, whose talent and personality are truly exemplary and give honour to sport values.

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