The fourth FIBA/CIES International Basketball Migration Report is now available

Scientific Symposium: "Manipulation of sports competitions"

Notable decrease of home-grown footballers in European clubs according to Football Observatory

One month in the life of "FIFA Master" 16th class 

Congratulations to the 19 graduates of UCAD 9th edition's FIFA/CIES Programme  



Why not recruit one of our FIFA Master postgraduates?

Mauritania: success for an alumnus from UCAD

Tottenham youngest team in the English Premier League



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CIES Highlights No 31, October 2015



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CIES and FIBA issue 2015 edition of International Basketball Migration Report

For the fourth year in a row, the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) and FIBA have come together to produce the International Basketball Migration Report (IBMR), a seasonal insight into the migratory trends of the sport.

The fourth edition of the report, which covers the 2014-15 basketball season (1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015), combines FIBA’s knowledge and data on international transfers with the CIES Observatory’s renowned expertise in analysis to shine light on the international migration of players in any given basketball season.

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Scientific Symposium: "Manipulation of sports competitions"

CIES (International Centre for Sports Studies) organises a symposium marking 20 years of scientific and academic activities.

The symposium will gather various speakers whose expertise will help to better understand this complex issue as well as to highlight the steps which have already been taken or still need to be introduced to detect and stop manipulations of competitions. This special day will be attended by the following speakers:

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New Football Observatory study unveils crisis of youth training in Europe

The latest Monthly Report of the CIES Football Observatory analyses the presence of club-trained players in 460 teams of 31 top division leagues in UEFA member associations. The study notably shows that the percentage of home-grown footballers in squads has decreased for the sixth consecutive season to reach a new record low.

Following UEFA’s definition, club-trained players are footballers who have been for at least three seasons between the ages of 15 and 21 in their employer team. The relative presence of this category of players in squads has steadily decreased from 23.1% in 2009 to only 19.7% in 2015. Club-trained footballers still accounted for more than one fifth of squad members in 2014: 21.0%.

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16th Edition of the FIFA Master – The Journey Begins

"FIFA Master" 16th Edition class pictured in front of the Rugby School

Tuesday November 10th, 2015 (Happy Diwali) - It’s hard to believe we are already eight weeks into the International MA in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport (FIFA Master) Programme!  It seems like just yesterday we were all meeting each other in Victoria Hall, our shared accommodation for the next three months, struggling with jet lag and making predictions about who would be placed in which group for the final project thesis.

The 16th Edition of the course comprises of thirty-two unique individuals from twenty-six different countries with a wide variety of educational and work experience backgrounds. Despite such differences, the thing we have in common is a passion and desire to immerse ourselves in the sporting world, and the FIFA Masters is proving to be the perfect opportunity to do exactly that.

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Senegal: UCAD celebrates its new graduates

9th Edition class FIFA/CIES Programme at UCAD

Last Saturday, Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) in Dakar (Senegal) awarded their diplomas to the students of the 9th edition of the FIFA/CIES Programme, in the presence of many government officials and representatives of Senegalese sport.

UCAD, a FIFA/CIES International University Network partner since 2006, celebrated its 19 new graduates during a ceremony bringing together representatives of the University Rector, the Higher National Institute of Education and Sport (INSEPS), the Minister of Sports, the Minister of Higher Education and several entities related to sport.

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