Scientific Symposium: "Manipulation of sports competitions"

Five students from the Higher School of Economics win the 2016 FIFA/CIES Network Prize

Exclusive transfer analysis: Neymar’s value skyrockets

FIFA MASTER 16th ed.: The End of Chapter 1

Scouting tips: players to watch



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CIES Highlights No 33, December 2015



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Scientific Symposium:"Manipulation of sports competitions"

Speakers Prof. Pradier, Judge Pierre Cornu, Prof. Oswald and Prof. Diaconu during a question and answer session with the audience

The scientific symposium “Manipulation of sports competitions”, held on 20th January 2016 at the University of Neuchâtel to celebrate the International Centre for Sports Studies’ (CIES) 20th anniversary, proved a great success.

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Exclusive transfer analysis:Neymar’s value skyrockets

The CIES Football Observatory published today its bi-annual list of the 100 big-5 league players with the highest transfer values. The latter were estimated on the basis of an exclusive algorithm. Lionel Messi heads the ranking ahead of teammate Neymar and Chelsea’s Eden Hazard. At fourth and fifth positions are Cristiano Ronaldo and Harry Kane. All data is presented in issue number 131 of the Big-5 Weekly Post.

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Five students from the Higher School of Economics win the 2016 FIFA/CIES Network Prize

Olga Laeva, Elena Bortnichek, Daria Smirnova, Lev Fertelmeyster and Maksim Shipov


During a meeting held on 14 January 2016 at FIFA headquarters in Zurich, an international jury consisting of representatives from FIFA, CIES and academia awarded the 2016 FIFA/CIES International University Network Prize to five students from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow (Russia).

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Scouting tips:players to watch

Issue number 134 of the Big-5 Weekly Post of the CIES Football Observatory ranks players according to the level to which they outperformed their teammates since the start of the season. This allows us highlighting the outstanding performance levels of footballers who are for the most part not yet part of the most competitive teams, but could reach them in the future.

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FIFA MASTER 16th ed.: The End of Chapter 1

"FIFA Master" 16th Edition class pictured at the King Power Stadium in Leicester


Somehow, our time here in Leicester, a time that represents one third of our total time on the International MA in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport (FIFA Master), has already come to an end! Over the past thirteen weeks we have lived and studied together in an intense but thriving environment, and we have established working and personal relationships that we can already be sure will continue long beyond our graduation in seven months’ time.

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