Final module of the FIFA Master 13th edition in Neuchâtel

FIFA/CIES International University Network: heads of finance reunion in Trinidad and Tobago

CIES Football Observatory: new paper on financial inequalities and squad make-up

FIFA/CIES International University Network students at the ICSS Conference

Scholarship offered by CIES to attend the 14th edition of the FIFA Master



The International Centre for Sports Studies will host International Sports Conference on July 18th 2013

Workshop: Inequality and integration in sport, 26-28 June 2013, Bern (Switzerland)

Why not recruit one of our FIFA Master postgraduates?



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CIES Highlights No 3, March 2013



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Final stretch for the FIFA Master class 13th edition!

University of Neuchâtel, Faculty of Law


After completing the Humanities of Sport module in Leicester, England, and the Management of Sport module in Milan, Italy, the FIFA Master postgraduates have now started their final Sports Law module in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

The Law module officially began on Tuesday 2nd of April. The FIFA Master 13th edition class was welcomed at the University of Neuchâtel Faculty of Law with an information session. Later the postgraduates visited the picturesque town of Neuchâtel before completing a tour of the CIES headquarters and study facilities.

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The heads of the finance module hold a seminar in Trinidad and Tobago

Heads of the finance module at the University of the West Indies, in Trinidad and Tobago


The heads of the finance module, offered to students in the framework of the FIFA/CIES Programme in sport management, held a seminar on 18 and 19 March 2013 in Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) under the auspices of the University of the West Indies (UWI).

Prof. Clement Sankat, President of the UWI (Saint Augustine campus), welcomed the opportunity to co-organise the first seminar bringing together the officials responsible for one of the modules of FIFA/CIES Programme: "The University of the West Indies is very happy to welcome the 'financial backers' of the FIFA/CIES International University Network and give them the opportunity to discuss course content and to exchange their experiences. This seminar is particularly significant in a today's world, where financial ethics often leaves much to be desired".

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New paper on financial inequalities and squad make-up

The economic level of the 31 leagues covered by the 2012 census


The website has today published a paper written by three CIES Football Observatory researchers: Drs Raffaele Poli, Roger Besson and Loïc Ravenel.

The paper is available to download for free here. brings together research - or experienced-based contributions - from academics studying the game and from people working within it on issues affecting football today.

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FIFA/CIES Programme students at the ICSS Conference

Group picture of speakers at the ICSS conference in Doha


Two former students who took part in the FIFA/CIES Programme were invited to participate in a conference of the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) held recently in Doha (Qatar).

Karim Fathi (University of Cairo, Egypt) and Bugra Imamogullari (Bahcesehir University, Turkey) actively participated in the seminars and forums organised in the context of the main conference. The discussions and experiences shared with the other participants will be very helpful for these two former students from our Programme, who themselves are very active in the world of sports.

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16 candidates apply for the FIFA/CIES Network scholarship offered by CIES

FIFA Master class 13th edition at Twickenham Stadium, in England


By the registration deadline of 16 January 2013, CIES had received a record number of applications for the 14th edition of the FIFA Master Programme. The total list of several hundred applicants included 16 graduates from 13 different partner universities of the FIFA/CIES International University Network.

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