Biannual transfer value list: Rashford takes first place

As one module ends, a new adventure begins for the FIFA Master 21st edition class

The President of the Saudi Arabian Football Federation has the floor

Applications for the 22nd edition of the FIFA Master are closed

Player turnover: Aston Villa and the Premier League stand out

International Monthly Review #17 - December 2020

FIFA Master Alumni - Where are they now? - Pia-Alexandra Mackenzie 



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CIES Highlights No 93, January 2021



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Biannual transfer value list: Rashford takes first place

Issue number 319 of the Weekly Post presents the traditional biannual list of the big-5 league players with the greatest transfer values according to the exclusive CIES Football Observatory algorithm. The top estimated value was calculated for the 23-year-old Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford: €165 M. With only 18 months of contract remaining, the former leader Kylian Mbappé falls back to fifth place.

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As one module ends, a new adventure begins for the FIFA Master 21st edition class

Picture: the FIFA Master 21st edition class in Milan

Held at the SDA Bocconi School of Management, the Sports Management module covers topics such as finance, marketing, organization and governance, strategy, business planning, and event management, applied to the context of sport.

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The President of the Saudi Arabian Football Federation has the floor

Picture: Yasser Al Misehal

Former student of the FIFA/CIES Programme organised by Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (SUAD), Yasser Al Misehal, has held different positions in national and international football. Now President of the Saudi Arabian Football Federation (SAFF), here he talks about some key moments in his career, the role that education has played in his professional career development and the challenges facing Saudi football.

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Applications for the 22nd edition of the FIFA Master are closed

The application deadline for the 22nd Edition (2021-2022) of the FIFA Master – International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport – is now over.

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Player turnover: Aston Villa and the Premier League stand out

Issue number 321 of the CIES Football Observatory Weekly Post ranks teams from 72 domestic leagues worldwide according to the percentage of minutes played by the 11 most fielded footballers. The highest figures for the five major European championships were measured for two English Premier League teams who performed beyond expectations since the start of the season: Aston Villa (87%) and Southampton (85%).

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International Monthly Review #17 - December 2020

Discover related articles, audio-videos and social media posts from various channels.

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FIFA Master Alumni - Where are they now? - Pia-Alexandra Mackenzie

Picture: Pia-Alexandra Mackenzie (in the center) who is flanked by two other Alumni of the FIFA Master DK - DongUk Kim (on the left) and Biplav Gautam (on the right)

Pia-Alexandra Mackenzie

Current Position: Marketing Manager at the Badminton World Federation

Year of graduation: 2017 (17th edition)

Nationality: German / Scottish

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